Robert Murphy
Robert's Latest Interactions
We hope you are enjoying your birthday with family today.
Rest in peace Roxie.
Hi Ron. Hope you and Phyllis are doing well.
How long have you lived in Holdredge and why did you move there?
Hello Barb. How was your trip home? What have you been doing lately? Are you easy for Christmas yet?
We lost a good friend recently. Her daughter lives in California and has not been here yet. I have been taking care of things at the deceased home for her. Funeral will be Dec.29th.
Write when you have a minute.
Dale we hope you will have a really great birthday celebration.
Posted on: Dec 11, 2014 at 6:49 AM
We wish you a happy birthday. We wish you a happy birthday and many more to come. Enjoy your special day.
Posted on: Nov 24, 2014 at 12:48 PM
Murph, Saw you on Classmates. Been trying to get in touch with you. My email address is Or give me a call at360-841-8046. Larry Rich gave me your phone number but it was wrong. Ed Caswell ( Skeeter) aka Ed Gillard
Unfortunately we have lost quite a number of our classmates.
Makes me especially pleased to be in such god health .
Turning 75 has been an awakening of sorts. We have a great deal to be thankful for.
I have been unable to add recent photos . Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated.